Founder & Executive Director-"Identity Theft Victims Support Group of North America |
CONTACT: Lawrence (Larry) E. Wilson (214) 412-5970
Web: www.identitytheftvictims.us or www.identitytheft-victims-support-group-of-north-america.org
E-Mail: identitytheftvictims@identitytheftvictims.us
Date: November 1, 2009
HEADLINE: Plano Based "ID Theft Victims Support Group of North America” Chosen For NOVA'S National Identity Theft Task Force
Plano, Tx. - Our organization, “Identity Theft Victims Support Group of North America” is proud to announce we have been chosen for “NOVA’s (National Organization for Victim Assistance) National Identity Theft Task Force”. NOVA has launched this Identity Theft Task Force to address the issues of identity theft that face consumers every day.
There is hope on the horizon for “Victims of Identity Theft” because NOVA has partnered with identity theft protection leader LifeLock. This ground-breaking profit–nonprofit partnership takes a holistic approach to confronting ID theft, not just in protection but also for the millions of people annually who are victimized and traumatized by this violation. This far-reaching collaboration demonstrates a commitment to confronting ID theft through legislation, technology and victim assistance (excerpt from NOVA Today news releases dated October 6, 2009).
In Texas, our organization will be using the resources of NOVA’s ID Theft Task Force to launch a statewide campaign to assist business owners and consumers by hosting low cost seminars and workshops for both victims and non-victims. “ID Theft Prevention” programs have failed to stop the surge of “Identity Theft Crimes” in America for the past eight years (2008-Approx. 10 million victims, Source: FTC). That is why our approach is being centered on “Awareness and Education” and not on “Prevention”. We need to stop using 20th century solutions in solving 21st century problems. It is time to use the technological resources we have been blessed with.
We will also use the expertise of the members of this “ID Theft Task Force” to help and teach law enforcement personnel how to utilize their manpower resources in fighting this national epidemic. One approach is to allow crime victims to file police reports on-line for certain type of crimes like Lost Property, Identity Theft, Harassing Phone calls, Theft, or Vandalism. Not only does it help the police departments, but it also helps “Victims of Identity Theft” in gaining access to numerous consumer rights (i.e., Free Credit Reports) that have been grossly denied because no police report was taken (2008-73% of all ID Theft Victims never filed a police report, Source FTC).
In 2008, the Fort Worth (population: 720,250) Police Department implemented “COPLOGIC Online Reporting Systems” for these crimes and saved over $50,000 (8 months of data) by eliminating 1947 man-hours in having a police officer take a report (avg. 1.5 hours per report) on approximately 1300 police reports. This allowed Ft. Worth to keep more officers on the street fighting serious crimes or Homeland Security issues rather than spending time taking reports. This savings were realized in less than eight months with this new system. Once the general public becomes aware of this new reporting system and starts using it, the savings could be substantial.
If we implemented this system just for “Identity Theft Crimes” nationwide, we could save over $600 Million Dollars (15 Million man-hours). These man-hour savings could be reallocated to protect America’s Homeland Security and to fight more life threatening crimes such as rape, murder, and child predators.
Our organization is proud to be a part of NOVA”s National Identity Theft Task Force. Below is a list of the members of this new task force.
“Chaired by the Honorable Chief Justice Richard Barajas, NOVA`s Identity Theft Task Force will address critical issues of the crime and develop a set of best practices for victim advocates across the nation. The Task Force will also work towards building educational curriculum for consumers related to the crime of identity theft”.
“Joining Chief Justice Barajas on the Identity Theft Task Force include: Paul Babeu, Sheriff, Pinal County (AZ); Cindy Charlebois, Director, San Diego County District Attorney`s Victim Assistance Program; James Gierke, Victim Advocate (AZ); Margaret Garvin, Executive Director, National Crime Victim Law Institute (OR); Robert Krakauer, Executive Vice President, CFO, LifeLock (AZ); Will Marling, Executive Director, National Organization for Victim Assistance (VA); Joe Myers, Executive Director, National Indian Justice Center (CA); Felicia Nu`Man, Assistant Commonwealth`s Attorney, Jefferson County (KY); Cheryl Ricciardi, Statewide Crisis Response Coordinator, Florida Crisis Response Team, Office of the Attorney General; Cynthia Taylor, Director, Consumer Protection Division, Boulder District Attorney`s Office (CO) and Lawrence Wilson, Executive Director, Identity Theft Victims Support Group of North America (TX)” (Source: Reuters, National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) Launches Identity Theft Task Force, October 5,2009).
You can see NOVA’s full press release by going to this link:
http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS141032+05-Oct-2009+BW20091005 .
Our organization has been dealing with “Identity Theft” issues since 1999 and now we have been thrust into the national spotlight. We are very excited that our hard work in helping “Victims of Identity Theft” all across America has paid off. We will be expanding our educational seminars not only in the Southwest, but nationwide.
Our organization has been working with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and their partners with "OnGuard-OnLine" since 2005 to help fight Internet Fraud, Scams, and Identity Theft by educating consumers, your employees, members, constituents, friends, and customers about safer computing. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) maintains OnGuardOnLine.gov with contributions from the following partners:
Federal Trade Commission - Homeland Security - United States Postal Inspection Service Department of Commerce - Securities and Exchange Commission - GetNetWise
STAYSAFEONLINE.org (National Cyber Security Alliance) - Anti-Phishing Working Group TRUSTe - I-SAFE – AARP - National Consumer League - Direct Marking Association WiredSafety.org - The SANS Institute - The National Association of Attorneys General - Better Business Bureau – NetFamilyNews – CompTIA (Source: FTC)
Our organization was recently honored for our work with “Victims of Identity Theft” by being selected as one of “Sean Hannity’s Great Americans”. Sean Hannity and Hal Jay at WBAP Radio 820 AM announced this selection in Dallas during the week of June 29th to July 4th, 2009. We have also appeared on the “Leslie Taylor Hare Show” which was broadcast on Access 34.TV web site on September 10, 2009 to a worldwide audience.
Our task force will be meeting in Orlando, Florida on November 18th & 19th during the FBI Law Enforcement Summit, which will be conducted by the FBI-Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (FBI-LEEDA) and LifeLock. This summit will be hosted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Orlando’s Regional Office.
We are also members of the Business PR News Group (Meetup.Com) here in the Dallas/Ft. worth Metroplex which is co-chaired by Jeff Crilley (formerly with Fox 4 News, Dallas) and Jeff Brady (formerly with WFAA-TV, Dallas). This group is a vital link in obtaining free local and national press/media coverage for our business organizations in North Texas.
With the upcoming Christmas season approaching, we will be presenting the most comprehensive "ID Theft Awareness and Educational Seminars" and "ID Theft Victims Recovery Workshops" in the Dallas/Ft. worth Metroplex. These seminars and workshops will be scheduled between November 1st and November 14th.
By attending these scheduled seminars and workshops in your city, you will be helping us to reach other victims and non-victims all across America. Times and venue locations can be found on our web site at: www.identitytheftvictims.us
We will be conducting our “ID Theft Awareness & Educational Seminars” and “ID Theft Victims Recovery Workshops” throughout the U.S. in 2010. If you have a business organization or a Chamber of Commerce Office that wants to sponsor these seminars and workshops in your city, please contact our organization. Please see seminar schedule for latest updates.
You can also go to www.wilsonunlimitedpartners.com to see what we are doing for the small and mid-size business community and how “Identity Theft” can and does affect your business income as well as your business.
We would like to thank everyone for their support in making our dreams a reality.
Again, your continued support is needed so we can reach both victims and non-victims all across America.
Remember, “Identity Theft Is No Longer Someone Else’s Problem, It Is Everyone’s Problem”. Just ask 60+ million “Victims of Identity Theft”.
Warm Regards and God Bless America,
Lawrence (Larry) E. Wilson
Founder & Executive Director
Identity Theft Victims Support Group of North America
Identity Theft Victims Support Group of North Texas
Identity Theft Victims U.S.
Phone: 214-412-5970